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GOIS-ASCO International Webinars (GOIS-ASCO IW) Series 

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GOIS-ASCO International Webinars (GOIS-ASCO IW) Series 

1st Webinar – Improving Access to Global Oncology Care through Repurposing   


June 18, 2024 at 4.00pm-6.00pm GMT 

Register here (free)

ASCO: American Society of Clinical Oncology




GOIS: Global Oncology-Implementing Science Program , Global Oncology University ( GO-U)  


The GOIS-ASCO International webinars ( GOIS-ASCO IW) series will continue the brainstorming  reviewing and the discussion  started in the Global Oncology-Implementing Science (GOIS) program virtual lectures entitled :”Be A game changer in Global Oncology  


(see &  )


 The GOIS-ASCO IW series are proposed, designed and facilitated by Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, after discussions and approval of the leaders  of the win-win scientific initiative and  GOIS.GO-U Contact:       &

 The first webinar will cover the topic of drug repurposing in cancer care. Dr. Clare Thibodeaux, PhD, Vice President, Cures Within Reach will be moderating/coordinator this repurposing session   


Session Title: Improving Access to Global Oncology Care through Repurposing (Short title: Repurposing)


Session Date / Time:  June 18, 2024 at 4.00pm-6.00pm GMT    


Session will be virtual and will last for 2 hours.

 Goals for the (GOIS-ASCO IW) Series

·       Explore the scientific and patient centered approaches to finding and validating accessible and affordable therapies for cancer care, such as real-world data, AI, preclinical models and clinical trials

·       Discuss the overall impact of readily available and affordable cancer therapies for patient globally in affluent and less affluent Countries (LMICs)

Specific Goals for the 1st session:

·       Examine the opportunities and challenges of repurposed therapies to improve cancer patient care and outcomes globally, including high income countries and low and lower-middle income countries (LMICs), and how all stakeholders can work together in advancing repurposed therapies

·       Propose future directions and opportunities for repurposing in global cancer care  

·       Attendees will enjoy more the webinar , the panels if they watch these 2 videos lecture from the GOIS course Session 14 on drug repurposing in cancer, that constitute the base of panels and further suggestions and discussions  :   &

 The panelists of the 1st webinar:   

 The Panelists:

  • Pro. David Kerr, CBE MD DSc FRCP FRCGP FACP FESMO FMedSci, Chair, International Affairs Committee, American Society of Clinical Oncology & Oxford University, UK , Co-founder, GOIS, GO-U    


·       Prof. Eduardo Cazap, SLACOM , RINC , ecancer , Argentina, leader , Win-win initiative  & co founder GO-U & GOIS , Past President UICC, Past Chair, ASCO International Affairs Committee

  • Dr Pan Pantziarka is the Program Director for Drug Repurposing at the Anticancer Fund and the coordinator of the Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) project (
  • Prof. Karol Sikora, Buckingham University, UK & , leader , Win-win initiative  & , Co-founder, GOIS, GO-U   
  • Prof. ex. Minister of High Education, SEMCO , NCI, Cairo, Egypt

·       Prof. Atara Ntekim  a Clinical Oncologist with the University of Ibadan in Nigeria

·       Prof Ahmed Elzawawy; The Facilitator and the contact person

        Chair , Board of Directors, GO-U & Chair , The win-win Scientific Initiative & Prof. Clinical          Oncology,  Suez Canal University, Ismailia & ASRCO, Port Said, Egypt  

·       Dr. Clare Thibodeaux Ph.D  :  The Coordinator and The Live moderator

             Vice President Cures Within Reach, USA  

The starting points of free panel and discussion are based on the 2 videos:



In all GOIS events and program :   the objective is not to agree or not on  any of the  raised stimulating or brain storming points in the videos or GOIS program, but, it what is important is to arrive-freely- together to conclusive points on: What to do and future directions. 

-          The discussions are open for live attendees and for sending feedback and suggestions   

 -The Organizers of webinars are  ASCO members who will participate in the discussion and in formulation of the conclusion . 

- Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy , SEMCO , ICEDOC , Chair , Board of Directors, GO-U & Chair , The win-win Scientific Initiative & Suez Canal University, Ismailia & ASRCO, Port Said, Egypt                         ( Facilitator & contact )

-Prof. Eduardo Cazap, SLACOM , RINC , ecancer , Argentina, leader , Win-win initiative  & co founder GO-U & GOIS

- Prof. David Kerr , Oxford University , UK , , leader , Win-win initiative  co- founder , GO-U & GOIS

- Prof. Karol Sikora, Buckingham University ,UK & , leader , Win-win initiative  & GO-U & GOIS

- Prof. Cristina Stefan , SingHealth Duke NUS Singapore and UMF University, Main, USA& GOIS, GO-U

- Prof. Hussein Khaled , ex. Minister of High Education, SEMCO , NCI, Cairo, Egypt

- Prof Wil Ngwa, John Hopkins University , & Harvard University , USA & Director GO-U & GOIS, , leader , Win-win initiative 

-Prof. Twalib Ngoma , MUHAS, Tanzania & co founder GO-U & GO-U & GOIS , , leader , Win-win initiative  

Expected Attendees: 

·       Oncologists, pharmacists, researchers, institutions, industry members, societies and foundations and other stakeholders who are concerned with the topic, including all networks of ASCO international , ecancer, GHC, SEMCO and all partners of GOIS (, Unlike hundreds of classical webinars, that may haven’t lasting effects , we don’t count on the number of live attendees , but on watching the recorded sessions via many tracks and webs. Then, we consider free feedback and outcome that may last and be a stimulation for the better by many in the real world ( for feedback  )     

·       The live discussion during the webinars and later feedback e-mails are welcomed for all.   

·       Contact for GOIS ASCO International Webinars : Please send us for any inquiry to   Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD    &

List of partners with GOIS  &    :
  •, UK
  •  Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM)
  •  The Network of Latin American Cancer Institutes (RINC)
  • The Buckingham University Medical School, UK
  • Bio Ventures for Global Health, USA
  • Department of Radiation Oncology, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research
  • South and East College of Oncology (SEMCO)
  •  Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania.
  • Cures Within Reach, USA.
N.B  GOIS is formed with the contribution of faculty from renown organizations and institutions
  •  NCI, USA; John Hopkins University, USA;
  •  Harvard University & Dana Farber Cancer Center, USA;
  •  Cancer Medicine Dept, University of Oxford, UK;
  •  University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA;
  •  University of Pennsylvania, USA;
  • International Cancer Experts Corps (ICEC);
  •  American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO);
  •  Department of Radiation Oncology, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
  •  University Hospital Göteborg, Sweden;
  • Washington University, USA;
  •  Georgetown University,  
  • USA; Loyola University, USA;
  • University of South Florida, Tampa, USA;
  • National Cancer Institute Egypt;
  • Clinical Oncology Center, Suez Canal University, Egypt;
  • Alsoliman Clinical & Radiation Oncology Center, Port Said, Egypt;
  • Medical Oncology, University of Nairobi, Kenya;
  •  Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Koethen, Germany;
  •  University of Tetova, North Macedonia;
  •  Peace and Love Hospitals, Ghana;
  •  College of Medicine & University College Hospital, University of Ibadan, Nigeria;
  •  Radiation Oncology Center-Strahlentherapie, Singen/Friedrichshafen, Germany;
  •  Clinical Oncology department, Alexandria University, Egypt;
  • Radiation Knowledge;
  • Arab Medical Association Against Cancer (AMAAC);
  •  Plus, the list of nearly 100 contributors and affiliations in the book that compose a major base for GOIS (List of contributors:  

The live discussion during the webinars and later feedback e-mails are welcomed for all.  

Contact for GOIS ASCO International Webinars: Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD    &

The raised questions & program of session repurposing (session1 of GOIS ASCO Int. Webinars)

After reviewing these materials by the panelists and discussants:  

Repurposing and repositioning drugs and devices in cancer care

By: Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy,   

 & The opportunity for repurposed therapies in Low and Lower Middle Income Countries LMICs.  By: Clare Thibodeaux , PhD, Vice President , Scientific Affaires , Cures Within Reach CWR, USA   

( Optional : Chapters  23 &24 Approaching Global Oncology. The win-win model,

Optional: The Full 14th session )


Program of 1st webinar:  

Duration of each virtual session, 2 hours :  ( RECORDED)   


 4:00- 4:05  PM GMT 

Introduction: Ahmed Elzawawy/ David Kerr                    ( 5’) 


4:05- 4:55 

The input of panelists  , Coordinator Clare Thibodeaux :   ( 50’)

 (5 up 8 minutes for  each panelist) 

 ( The panelist’s input may include one or more of the raised points, but he/she will contribute in the discussion of all points and in formulating the outcome and eventually in any published report or article) 

The raised questions: 

1-Repurposing and repositioning?  ( Clare Thibodeaux)  5’

2-Why drug repurposing is important?  Pan Pantziarka / David Kerr /     ( total 10 minutes or 5 minutes each)

3-    Barriers and obstacles? Karol Sikora / Hussein Khaled ( total 10 minutes or 5 minutes each  

4- -Required actions and proposals (What to do?)  Pan Pantziarka  5’ , Eduardo Cazap  5’, David Kerr 5’ 

5-  Free Comments on the 1st video and suggestions to include in the next season of GOIS.  10 minutes ( 5 minutes Atare Ntekim  / 5 minutes Pan Pantziarka)


4:55- 5:15 PM GMT 

Discussion:                                                    All                                                     20’ 


5:15- 5:25 PM

  Q&A                                                                                                                                   10’



Formulation of Conclusion and future directions:      All                      25’


5:50-600  PM GMT 

Closing remarks:    Ahmed Elzawawy / David Kerr  ( 5 minutes each) 10’ 


GOIS-ASCO International Webinars

Sessions Outline  



   Ø  A panelist could contribute in all sessions or only the session convenient to him/her.

(In case of urgent or unexpected travels with no access to internet or commitment,

then a panelist can send his free input about the raised point in a short video up to 8

minutes, to be presented in the session. Hence, we avoid cancellation of any precious

comment and input),  

   Ø  The sessions are recorded, and will be permanently e-accessed by all in the world

and surely by the panelists. All e-feedback and more suggestions are welcomed.

This could be the subject of future panels

   Ø  Hence, it is hoped that these panels will be a landmark and a stimulus around

the globe for more currents of scientific works, studies and how to face

challenges of scientific implantation, focused on lowering the total costs of

cancer care without compromising the outcome and to increase affordability

of better value cancer care in the real world. 

   Ø  All the panelists (The ASCO panelists Included) will issue a first report summarizing the outcome and future direction. 

   Ø  The Invited panelist -after discussion with other panelists - have the right- and even. encouraged to publish reports or conferences presentations in ASCO or others or videos about any of the panel contents and outcome. Also they could add more suggestions or more updates. 

   Ø  All follow up , reports and updated will be sent to ASCO International affairs and to all


Duration of each virtual session, 2 hours: (RECORDED) 


Schedule of the 1st  series of Webinars 

1st Webinar: Improving Access to Global Oncology Care through Repurposing    ( Short Title: Repurposing) 

2nd Webinar: Notions and needs for Global Oncology- Implementing Science  

3rd, 4th and 5th Webinar:  How to lower the total costs of systemic cancer treatment without compromising the outcome on patients.


1st Webinar: Repurposing 

Stating points for free panels are the 2 videos 

·   & 

 The Panelists are : 



Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD

Founding Chair, win-win Scientific initiative & Co-founder & Chair, Board of Directors, GO-U & Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program & Founding President, ICEDOC & Co-Chair, SEMCO  & Past President, AORTIC & Prof. Clinical Oncology, Suez Canal University &Chair. Clinical and Radiation Oncology Center , Port Said, Egypt. &


Dr. Clare (Bennethum) Thibodeaux, PhD.

Vice President, Scientific Affairs at Cures Within Reach, USA  

Coordinator/ Moderator 




Professor David Kerr, UK

Professor David Kerr,  CBE MD PhD DSc FRCP FRCGP FACP FESMO FMedSci  

Chair, ASCO International affairs Committee 

Professor of Cancer Medicine Oxford University, UK , where he has worked with colleagues to build a new Institute for Cancer Medicine and Cancer Hospital 

Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U. 



Dr Pan Pantziarka

Dr Pan Pantziarka is the Program Director for Drug Repurposing at the Anticancer Fund and was the coordinator of the Repurposing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) project ( He is active in a broad range of activities in drug repurposing related to the scientific, medical and policy issues that are barriers to implementation. He is an active sarcoma patient advocate. In addition to repurposing, other research interests include the rare genetic cancer condition Li Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS) and the development of computational models of tumour growth. Dr Pantziarka is also the co-founder and Chairman of the George Pantziarka TP53 Trust (, a UK-based patient advocacy and support organisation for sufferers LFS.


Prof. Eduardo L. Cazap, Argentina  

Eduardo L. Cazap  MD, PhD, FASCO, Argentina , President & Founder -Latin-American & Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM) , Co-Chair, Network of Latin American Cancer Institutes (RINC), Past President - Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) ,Past chair, ASCO international affairs committee , Emeritus Professor-Latin American School of Oncology (ELO), Editor-in Chief – ecancer, Co editor-Global Section-The Oncologist, Ambassador, UICC Summit &Congress

Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.



Professor Karol Sikora, 

Professor Karol Sikora, MA, MB BChir, PhD, MD, FRCR, FRCP, FFPM,  UK , Consultant Oncologist,  is the Medical Director of Cancer Partners International. Previously, he was the founding director of Rutherford Health, a network of cancer centres with proton beam facilities. He was the founder of Cancer Partners UK which has created UK’s largest independent UK cancer network with private equity. He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cancer Medicine at Imperial College School of Medicine and is still honorary Consultant Oncologist at Hammersmith Hospital, London.  He was seconded to be Director of the WHO Cancer Programme in 2000.


He was the Founding Dean and now Professor of Medicine at Britain’s first independent Medical School at the University of Buckingham and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He has published over 500 papers and written or edited 20 books including Treatment of Cancer - the standard British postgraduate textbook, now going to its eighth edition in over 30 years. His new book, Cancer: the key to getting the best care - making the system work for you has created considerable controversy.  

Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U. 



Prof. Hussein Khaled, 

Ex. Minister of High Education , Egypt, Prof. Medical Oncology, Ex. Dean NCI , Cairo and Vice Chancellor , Cairo University , Chair , SEMCO , Co-leader, The win-win Initiative 




Prof. Wilfred Ngwa, PhD, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is a distinguished professor of global public health, and distinguished professor of public health. He is founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute in 2015 He currently chairs the Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee advising the USA government on Global Health.  He is a co-founder (with Prof Ahmed Elzawawy and distinguished faculty) of Global Oncology University.  Founder Director, GHC& Co-founder, GO-U.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, 



Dr Atara Ntekim is a Clinical Oncologist with the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. He is a physician scientist interested in ensuring early access to  effective cancer treatment by patients in sub-Sahara Africa  through clinical trials. He is also working  towards accelerating the implementation of precision oncology in the sub region.


Evaluation Report.  

1st GOIS-ASCO international webinars. 


With full respect and appreciation for all previous and current great and needed efforts of classical courses, in which we have the honor that most of us contributed in our ASCO and others in such efforts and most of us have leadership roles , or chairing , or organizing or as a speaker:   

Please note that is not a classical educational course. But, they constructive panels , virtual webinars , to present input on brainstorming points ,  suggestions  or even constructive critics  and future directions by  panelists experts on some of the approaches presented in GOIS programs  to increase affordability  of better value cancer care in the world.   


All with the active interactions of virtual participants during and after the panels. 


So, It is not the habitual short course of 2 -3 days with elementary cancer care and control education in a country then followed by rapid surveys forms that filled  by audience, (even,  And then to follow with reports about how this 2 days changed the practice in this country. ( Which is not easy to do and mostly not deeply really done!)



 All the panelists (The invited ASCO panelists Included) will issue a first report summarizing the outcome and future direction.

All follow up , reports  and updated will  be sent to ASCO International affairs and to all networks.    

Reports will include: Background, Objectives of the panels , summary , conclusions and future directions, feedback of participants and panelists , comments with annex : Agenda of the panels.


In Summary: 

1st Report after the panels 

2rdd report :  it will done for the next course GOIS course and panels , October 2024 – May 2025


Questions will be announced and will be sent to all audience: 

( A feedback from panelist, as well t would be  appreciated)

Which of the following objectives of the course are covered  in the panel : 

Just reply :  YES or NO ( no marks) for each objective

The objectives are that the virtual attendees, and all who will watch the recovered sessions will get these points: 

1. Notions and needs for the science of Global Oncology & implementing Science. ( YES or NO)

2. Be aware of the valuable views of renown experts about many scientific approaches for the increase the affordability of better value cancer care for millions of underserved patients in the real world. ( Yes or NO)

3. To advocate to stimulate explorations of more scientific approaches that consider real conditions and to be patient centered in different communities. ( YES or NO)

4. To  advocate for the needs of exploration of  future  directions( YES or NO) 

Optional :Then  

Please write 150 words max. if you would like to add comments or suggestions.  

Please add clearly 

1.    Your name, affiliations, e-mail 

2.    You agree or not that your name and correspondences appear with your suggestion that will be forwarded to experts and colleagues. Also it may appear in the web and/or the next  series of GOIS courses or panels   

3.    It is also optional if you like to send any comment or suggestion on The manuscript of the index of the first Global Oncology -implementing science GOIS Program , GO-U 2023 -2024 is issued . It is accessible to all as a link to  PDF of 50 pages   document Be a game changer in global oncology:     

Contact: Please send us for any inquiry to   Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD    &



Approaching GOIS - Twentieth Session

by Site Admin -


                       Global Oncology University ( GO-U)

Approaching “Global Oncology-Implementing Science” GOIS courses

 Session 20th: Wednesday March 13, at 8.00 -9.30 PM GMT 


·      Toward more clinical-radiation oncology services in the world. An introductory notes for examples from Uruguay ( Latin America) ,  Republic of Georgia ( East Europe) and Mozambique  ( Sub-Saharan Africa):   By Ahmed Elzawawy 


·      New Radiation Oncology center, Kutaisi, Republic of Georgia

             By; Prof. Krystyna Kiel ,  Rush University Medical Center, Chicago , IL  , USA                                  .   



·      Financing Solutions Sustainable for  Cancer Control . Radiotherapy improvement:  A Proposal from Uruguay , South America  (Radiotherapy equipment—purchase or lease? To buy or not to buy.)

            By: Prof.  Alvaro Luongo – Céspedes,                                          


Prof. By: Prof.  Alvaro Luongo – Céspedes,  Uruguay , Director National Cancer Institute ( INCA ) and Honorary President   League against cancer , Uruguay.   



·      New Radiation Oncology center, Kutaisi, Republic of Georgia

             By; Prof. Krystyna Kiel ,  Rush University Medical Center, Chicago , IL                        ,           USA .    



Prof. Francisco Alves,  Portugal. PhD ,  Biomedical Sciences in 2003 , PET & Cyclotron Center graduated, in Copenhagen, Denmark. with a Professor tenure position at Coimbra Health School. Author of several scientific papers and regularly invited in several missions as IAEA expert, Francisco Alves developed pioneer work in the production of radiometals using cyclotron liquid targets, being co-author of a patented 68Ga production process for which he was granted the IBA-award in 2016. as appointed board member at several companies. Mostnotably, he served as Chairman at Mercurius Health (2013-2020), and after acquisition by an international investor group in 2020 he presently serves as Nuclear Medicine Development Director. Along with business development, his corporate achievements include Human resources HR development plans, ISO certification, corporate recognition (SME Leader, SME Excellence), and successful EU R&D grant applications (over 1M€ raised).


·      Helping African radiotherapy centers to overcome staff challenges: experience in Mozambique.   By Prof. Francisco Alves

            Authors : Iracelma Neto, Sara Velha, André Lucas, Sara Navarro,              Daniel Gonçalves, Catarina Souto and Francisco Alves   ( Chapter 37)


-How to join all sessions (It is for all GOIS sessions): Please, Click on & register and Login in , Create an account –if you haven’t- & fill the form 


Join Zoom Meeting to this 20th session (5 minutes before the session) 

Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 816 1725 9995    Passcode: 356897




All your feedback and comments will be directed to the distinguished experts and co-leaders of GOIS

  Distinguished Scientific Experts of this series of the GOIS program:         


  Prof. Eduardo L. Cazap  MD, PhD, FASCO, Argentina , President & Founder -Latin-American & Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM) Co-Chair, Network of Latin American Cancer Institutes (RINC) .Past President - Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)



Professor David Kerr CBE MD PhD DSc FRCP FRCGP FACP FESMO FMedSci , UK : David contributes to Oxford as Professor of Cancer Medicine, where he has worked with colleagues to build a new Institute for Cancer Medicine and Cancer Hospital.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.  ==================================


 Professor Karol Sikora, MA, MB BChir, PhD, MD, FRCR, FRCP, FFPM,  UK , Consultant Oncologist, is the Medical Director of Cancer Partners International. He was the Founding Dean and now Professor of Medicine at Britain’s first independent Medical School at the University of Buckingham and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cancer Medicine at Imperial College School of Medicine and is still honorary Consultant Oncologist at Hammersmith Hospital, London.  He was seconded to be Director of the WHO Cancer Programme in 2000. Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.     



Prof. Luca Incrocci, Netherlands, MD PhD

Professor of Genito-Urinary Radiotherapy, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute Department of Radiation Oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and is actively involved in providing education and improving radiation therapy access in African countries. He recently launched his foundation ( ) to improve cancer care in Ethiopia.
Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program.



  Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD, Founding Chair, win-win Scientific initiative & Co-founder & Chair, Board of Directors, GO-U & Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program & ounding President, ICEDOC & Past President, AORTIC & Prof. Clinical Oncology, Suez Canal University &Chair. Clinical and Radiation Oncology Center , Port Said, Egypt.    




Prof. Wilfred Ngwa, PhD, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is a distinguished professor of global public health, and distinguished professor of public health. He is founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute in 2015 He currently chairs the Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee advising the USA government on Global Health.  He is a co-founder (with Prof Ahmed Elzawawy and distinguished faculty) of Global Oncology University.  Founder Director, GHC& Co-founder, GO-U.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, GO-U



 Prof Cristina Stefan is a professor in medicine and global health, currently the President and CEO of the Medical Education Research and Innovation, adjunct professor at SingHealth Duke NUS  Singapore and UMF University, Main, USA. PhD in medical education, MBA , France, MSc , Pediatrics and Oncology , South Africa, MSc cancer epidemiology , UK.

She was past President, AORTIC, She was voted as the most influential African woman in business and government (medicine) in 2016 , among the top 100 Women Leaders in Healthcare in Asia, in 2020. In 2022, she received IARC the (International Agency for Research in Cancer) award for women in cancer research.

A Co-leader and distinguished faculty , The Global Oncology-implementing Science Program ( GOIS) ==================================


 Prof. Twalib A. Ngoma  , Prof. Clinical Oncology ,  Research Chair Holder Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences  MUHAS ,  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Founder, Global Oncology University GO-U    




-        Dr. Mrs. Beatrice Wiafe Addai, MD, PhD,
Consultant Breast Surgeon, C.E.O., Peace and Love Hospitals, Ghana
President and Founder, Breast Care International, Fmr Member, Ethics committee - IARC, Chairperson, Ghana Cancer Board, Medical Advisory Board Member, Direct Relief, Member, UICC & a Leader , Win-Win international Scientific Initiative



Prof. Bashkim Ziberi . 

Department of Physics, University of Tetova, A leader and distinguished faculty The win-win international scientific initiative and Co-Directo ,The Global Oncology-Implementing Science GOIS,GO-U  



  Prof Abdelhamid H. Elgazzar , He Is board certified by the American Board of Anatomical and Clinical Pathology as well as by the American Board of Nuclear Medicine, worked as faculty staff at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and as a chief of Nuclear Medicine at Tufts, Boston. USA. He Is currently a professor and chairman of the Nuclear Medicine Department at Kuwait University. Has received 14 awards from several international professional organizations. He edited 10 textbooks and six book chapters including Chapters Nuclear Oncology &  Basis of Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine in   Synopsis of Pathophysiology in Nuclear Medicine”  Ed. Abdelhamid H. Elgazzar , Springer    He is a chief advisor, and leader , Nuclear Medicine , Nuclear Medicine Oncology and combined therapy, ICEDOC & The win-win international Scientific Initiative  & the GOIS, GO-U




  Dr. Taofeeq Abdallah IGE was a Consultant Physicist and Abuja , Nigeria. and a Visiting Senior Lecturer as well as an External Examiner to a couple of University Post-Graduate programmes in Medical Physics in the Country and the Region & Faculty of Radiology of both West African College of Surgeons (WACS , Past President of the Federation of the African Medical Physics Organization (FAMPO.)He also a national and regional counterpart to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) projects . He serves as committee member of the IOMP  and also the Health Technology Task Group of the International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine  and a leader in the win-win International Scientific Initiative


Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Holger Wirtz           


FH Aachen, Abt. Jülich ; engineering, Biomedical-engineering, radio-physics, Germany ,  he served in  University-Hospital Essen: clinical radiophysics and at present in MVZ Strahlentherapie-Singen-Friedrichshafen GmbH , Germany ,  and he is medical-product consultant ,ADAC Laboratories, PHILIPS HealthCare, ELEKTA.  Some oh his main scientific works,  “Emerging Technologies for Improving Access to Radiation Therapy and solar powered Radiotherapy” 


i.V. Dr. Ralf Müller-Polyzou, Head of health care and industry business ,
LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen / Zeppelinstr. 23 / 21337 Lüneburg / Germany. One of his main interests and experiences is Solar- Powered Radiotherapy as win-win opportunity to increase approaches to global oncology.


Further reading:  

1.Chapters 37 ( F. Alves), 39 ( K.Kiel) , 42 ( A.L.C)  in  “ Approaching Global Oncology. The win-win model”   2.  The Win-Win Initiative.   and    3. Elzawawy A. (2012). Science and Affordability of Cancer Drugs and Radiotherapy in the World - Win-Win Scenarios.  In: Advances in Cancer Management, Ravinder Mohan (Ed.), InTech, Free access and download:


-How to join all sessions (It is for all GOIS sessions): Please, Click on & register and Login in , Create an account –if you haven’t- & fill the form 


Join Zoom Meeting to this 20th session (5 minutes before the session) 

Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 816 1725 9995    Passcode: 356897



Approaching GOIS - Nineteenth Session

by Site Admin -


                       Global Oncology University ( GO-U)

Approaching “Global Oncology-Implementing Science” GOIS courses

 Session 19th: Wednesday March 6, at 4.00 -5.30 PM GMT 


·        The Needs for researches in Radiotherapy fractionation: 

Brain storming notes about Hypofractionation  and the Needs for researches in Radiotherapy fractionation; By Ahmed Elzawawy


·        Prof. Luca Incrocci : HYPOAFRICA ( Luca Incrocci , Twalib Ngoma , Wil Ngwa et al.)   


Prof. Luca Incrocci, Netherlands, MD PhD

Professor of Genito-Urinary Radiotherapy, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute Department of Radiation Oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and is actively involved in providing education and improving radiation therapy access in African countries. He recently launched his foundation ( ) to improve cancer care in Ethiopia.
Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program.



 Prof. Wilfred Ngwa, PhD, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is a distinguished professor of global public health, and distinguished professor of public health. He is founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute in 2015 He currently chairs the Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee advising the USA government on Global Health.  He is a co-founder (with Prof Ahmed Elzawawy and distinguished faculty) of Global Oncology University.  Founder Director, GHC& Co-founder, GO-U.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, GO-U



·        Smart radiotherapy biomaterials for combining radiotherapy and immunotherapy By Wil Ngwa (Michele Moreau, Sayeda Yasmin-Karim, Victoria Ainsworth, Romy Mueller, Bashkim Ziberi and Wilfred Ngwa)


-How to join all sessions (It is for all GOIS sessions): Please, Click on & register and Login in , Create an account –if you haven’t- & fill the form,


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Meeting ID: 838 3010 4135              Passcode: 849156





All your feedback and comments will be directed to the distinguished experts and co-leaders of GOIS

  Distinguished Scientific Experts of the 18th  session:         


  Prof. Eduardo L. Cazap  MD, PhD, FASCO, Argentina , President & Founder -Latin-American & Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM) Co-Chair, Network of Latin American Cancer Institutes (RINC) .Past President - Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)



Professor David Kerr CBE MD PhD DSc FRCP FRCGP FACP FESMO FMedSci , UK : David contributes to Oxford as Professor of Cancer Medicine, where he has worked with colleagues to build a new Institute for Cancer Medicine and Cancer Hospital.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.  ==================================


 Professor Karol Sikora, MA, MB BChir, PhD, MD, FRCR, FRCP, FFPM,  UK , Consultant Oncologist, is the Medical Director of Cancer Partners International. He was the Founding Dean and now Professor of Medicine at Britain’s first independent Medical School at the University of Buckingham and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cancer Medicine at Imperial College School of Medicine and is still honorary Consultant Oncologist at Hammersmith Hospital, London.  He was seconded to be Director of the WHO Cancer Programme in 2000. Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.     



Prof. Luca Incrocci, Netherlands, MD PhD

Professor of Genito-Urinary Radiotherapy, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute Department of Radiation Oncology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands and is actively involved in providing education and improving radiation therapy access in African countries. He recently launched his foundation ( ) to improve cancer care in Ethiopia.
Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program.



  Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD, Founding Chair, win-win Scientific initiative & Co-founder & Chair, Board of Directors, GO-U & Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program & ounding President, ICEDOC & Past President, AORTIC & Prof. Clinical Oncology, Suez Canal University &Chair. Clinical and Radiation Oncology Center , Port Said, Egypt.    



Prof. Wilfred Ngwa, PhD, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is a distinguished professor of global public health, and distinguished professor of public health. He is founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute in 2015 He currently chairs the Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee advising the USA government on Global Health.  He is a co-founder (with Prof Ahmed Elzawawy and distinguished faculty) of Global Oncology University.  Founder Director, GHC& Co-founder, GO-U.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, GO-U



 Prof Cristina Stefan is a professor in medicine and global health, currently the President and CEO of the Medical Education Research and Innovation, adjunct professor at SingHealth Duke NUS  Singapore and UMF University, Main, USA. PhD in medical education, MBA , France, MSc , Pediatrics and Oncology , South Africa, MSc cancer epidemiology , UK.

She was past President, AORTIC, She was voted as the most influential African woman in business and government (medicine) in 2016 , among the top 100 Women Leaders in Healthcare in Asia, in 2020. In 2022, she received IARC the (International Agency for Research in Cancer) award for women in cancer research.

A  co-leader and distinguished faculty , The Global Oncology-implementing Science Program ( GOIS) ==================================


 Prof. Twalib A. Ngoma  , Prof. Clinical Oncology ,  Research Chair Holder Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences  MUHAS ,  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Founder, Global Oncology University GO-U    




-       Dr. Mrs. Beatrice Wiafe Addai, MD, PhD,
Consultant Breast Surgeon, C.E.O., Peace and Love Hospitals, Ghana
President and Founder, Breast Care International, Fmr Member, Ethics committee - IARC, Chairperson, Ghana Cancer Board, Medical Advisory Board Member, Direct Relief, Member, UICC & a Leader , Win-Win international Scientific Initiative




Prof. Bashkim Ziberi . 

Department of Physics, University of Tetova, A leader and distinguished faculty The win-win international scientific initiative and Co-Director ,The Global Oncology-Implementing Science GOIS, GO-U  



  Prof Abdelhamid H. Elgazzar , He Is board certified by the American Board of Anatomical and Clinical Pathology as well as by the American Board of Nuclear Medicine, worked as faculty staff at the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine, the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, and as a chief of Nuclear Medicine at Tufts, Boston. USA. He Is currently a professor and chairman of the Nuclear Medicine Department at Kuwait University. Has received 14 awards from several international professional organizations. He edited 10 textbooks and six book chapters including Chapters Nuclear Oncology &  Basis of Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine in   Synopsis of Pathophysiology in Nuclear Medicine”  Ed. Abdelhamid H. Elgazzar , Springer    He is a chief advisor, and leader , Nuclear Medicine , Nuclear Medicine Oncology and combined therapy, ICEDOC & The win-win international Scientific Initiative  & the GOIS, GO-U




  Dr. Taofeeq Abdallah IGE was a Consultant Physicist and Abuja , Nigeria. and a Visiting Senior Lecturer as well as an External Examiner to a couple of University Post-Graduate programmes in Medical Physics in the Country and the Region & Faculty of Radiology of both West African College of Surgeons (WACS , Past President of the Federation of the African Medical Physics Organization (FAMPO.)He also a national and regional counterpart to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) projects . He serves as committee member of the IOMP  and also the Health Technology Task Group of the International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine  and a leader in the win-win International Scientific Initiative



Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Holger Wirtz                                                                                                    

FH Aachen, Abt. Jülich ; engineering, Biomedical-engineering, radio-physics, Germany ,  he served in  University-Hospital Essen: clinical radiophysics and at present in MVZ Strahlentherapie-Singen-Friedrichshafen GmbH , Germany ,  and he is medical-product consultant ,ADAC Laboratories, PHILIPS HealthCare, ELEKTA.  Some oh his main scientific works,  “Emerging Technologies for Improving Access to Radiation Therapy and solar powered Radiotherapy”  


i.V. Dr. Ralf Müller-Polyzou, Head of health care and industry business ,
LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen / Zeppelinstr. 23 / 21337 Lüneburg / Germany. One of his main interests and experiences is Solar- Powered Radiotherapy as win-win opportunity to increase approaches to global oncology.

Further reading:  

1.Chapters  18 & 19 in  “ Approaching Global Oncology. The win-win model”   2.  The Win-Win Initiative.   and    3. Elzawawy A. (2012). Science and Affordability of Cancer Drugs and Radiotherapy in the World - Win-Win Scenarios.  In: Advances in Cancer Management, Ravinder Mohan (Ed.), InTech, Free access and download:


-How to join all sessions (It is for all GOIS sessions): Please, Click on & register and Login in , Create an account –if you haven’t- & fill the form,


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Meeting ID: 880 7114 1443    Passcode: 718011


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