ASCO- GOIS International Webinars (ASCO-GOIS IW) Series

ASCO- GOIS International Webinars (ASCO-GOIS IW) Series

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ASCO- GOIS International Webinars (ASCO-GOIS IW) Series:  


Be game changers in global oncology 


2nd Webinar – Notions and needs for Global Oncology-Implementing Science to increase affordability of better value global cancer care.




(Short Title: Global Oncology)




October 9, 2024 at 3.00pm-5.00pm GMT


To Register:  Click  then register (It is free)






ASCO: American Society of Clinical Oncology   



GOIS: Global Oncology-Implementing Science Program , Global Oncology University ( GO-U)  





The ASCO- GOIS International webinars (ASCO- GOIS IW): This series will continue the brainstorming reviewing and the discussion started in the Global Oncology-Implementing Science (GOIS) program virtual program entitled:” Be A game changer in Global Oncology  


(see &  )


The ASCO- GOIS IW series are proposed, designed and facilitated by Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, after discussions and approval of the leaders  of the win-win scientific initiative and  GOIS.GO-U Contact:       & 


 SEMCO is The  South and East Mediterranean College of Oncology    






Goals for the (ASCO - GOIS IW) Series


·       Explore the scientific and patient centered approaches to finding and validating accessible and affordable therapies for cancer care, such as real-world data, AI, preclinical models and clinical trials


·       Discuss the overall impact of readily available and affordable cancer therapies for patient globally in affluent and less affluent Countries (LMICs)


Specific Goals for the 2nd session:


·       Give concrete and clear notions and needs for the science of global oncology


·       The needs for implementing science towards increase affordability of global better value cancer care


·       Propose future directions for collaborative global cancer care studies and implementation.




The panelists of the 2st webinar:    


·       Introductory note: Prof. Robin Zon, President, ASCO 2024-2025  


List of Panelists in Alphabetical order:

·       Prof. Eduardo Cazap, SLACOM , RINC , ecancer , Argentina, leader , Win-win initiative  & co founder GO-U & GOIS , Past President UICC, Past Chair, ASCO International Affairs Committee

·       Prof Ahmed Elzawawy;    Chair , Board of Directors, GO-U & Chair .The win-win Scientific Initiative, SEMCO and Past    President , AORTIC & Prof. Clinical Oncology,  Suez Canal University, Ismailia & ASRCO, Port Said, Egypt   (The Facilitator and the contact person)


·       Dr. Bishal Gyawali, MD, PhD is an associate professor in medical oncology and public health sciences and scientist  in Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. Co-founder, CSO.


  • Pro. David Kerr, CBE MD DSc FRCP FRCGP FACP FESMO FMedSci, Past  Chair, ASCO International Affairs Committee, American Society of Clinical Oncology & Oxford University, UK , Leader , Win-Win initiative, Co-founder, GOIS, GO-U    


  • Prof. Hussein Khaled. Prof. Medical Oncology, Ex. Minister of High Education, SEMCO & NCI, Cairo, Egypt   


·       Aparna R. Parikh, MD,  FASCO, USA.  Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School , Director of the MGH Cancer Center's Global Cancer Care Program


  • Prof, Twalib Ngoma, Tanzania , board of leaders , Win-win initiative, & Co-founder, GOIS, GO-U   , Past President , AORTIC


  • Prof. Wil Ngwa, John Hopkins University, USA, Director, GHC, GO-U, board of leaders, Win-win initiative, Co-founder GOIS


  • Prof. Karol Sikora, Buckingham University, UK & , leader , Win-win initiative  &  Co-founder, GOIS, GO-U    


  • Rapporteur: Dr.Abba Mallum, Associate Prof Radiation Oncology and Medical cancer Consultant, South Africa   and active Faculty, GOIS, GO-U.



Ø  For all colleagues : Before the webinar , it will be  enjoyable to read and to watch  to the materials that are considered the  starting points of free panel and discussion of the upcoming webinar before 2nd    ASCO-GOIS webinar  of October 9, 2024  


1- PDF of slides Notions and needs for Global Oncology-Implementing Science to increase affordability of better value global cancer care.  


        (Short Title: Global Oncology), Introductory Overview, link:


2-Notions and needs for Global Oncology and implementing science programs. The win-win scientific initiative.


A YouTube :   


3-    Isn’t the time to change?  (Communication in ASCO My connection)


4-    The first chapter and book summary (in the front matter) are free open access “Approaching Global Oncology. The win-win model   


In all GOIS events and program :   The objective is not to agree or not on any of the raised stimulating or brain storming points in the videos or GOIS program, but, it what is important is to arrive-freely- together to conclusive points on: What to do and future directions to increase affordability of better value cancer via scientific approaches. 




Duration of each virtual session, 2 hours :  ( RECORDED)   


 5 minutes: Welcome.


5 minutes: Introductory note: By Prof. Robin Zon , ASCO, President 2024-2025  


20 minutes: Summary of the topic and brainstorming points.( Ahmed Elzawawy)



45 minutes: to present the raised point (s) and the summary  of input of panelists, see below  the tentative list ( 5 minutes for each panelist) 


- Prof. Eduardo Cazap, Argentina :   What is Global Oncology?  The needs for Global Oncology-implementing science Educational , Training and research programs


-- Prof. Hussein Khaled, Egypt ; The increase in the gap between the required and the affordable better value affordable cancer  Care .


- Prof. David Kerr UK: Optimizing Dose Selection for cancer medicines


- Prof. Karol Sikora, UK :  Isn’t the time to change the game , together, as organizations or as independent in  coordinated efforts, in a global win-win, smart  campaign based on scientific realizable approaches? hence  all stakeholders could be  in a global win-win?  All Stakeholders could win. New Approaches.


-Prof. Aparna Parikh, USA:  The need for more scientific approaches and Implementing Science to increase the affordability of better value cancer care in the world. (We call it here: The GOAL)


-  Prof. Bishal Gyawali:  : Global Oncology Care.  Focus on what are achievable and implementable.


. Prof. Wil Ngwa, USA:  GOIS , GO-U as an example of collaborative global virtual professional cancer  education focused on stimulation of more exploration of  scientific approaches and Implementing Science to  increase the affordability of better value cancer care in the world. 


- Prof. Twalib Ngoma, Tanzania and Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, :  Project Optimus ,  By OCE, USA FDA) for  Reforming the dose optimization and dose selection paradigm in oncology: Short note on: Why , in global  cancer care in the world  and in the win-win scientific initiative  , we should be interested in learning its upcoming outcome? .  


 15 Minutes: Discussion (coordinated and facilitated) 


10 minutes: Q&A 


 15 minutes:   Conclusion and future directions


 5  minutes, closing remarks  




The live discussion during the webinars and later feedback e-mails are welcomed for all.    &  




Expected Attendees:


·       Oncologists, pharmacists, researchers, institutions, industry members, societies and foundations and other stakeholders who are concerned with the topic, including all networks of ASCO international , ecancer, GHC, SEMCO and all partners of GOIS (,


·        Unlike hundreds of classical webinars, that may haven’t lasting effects , we don’t count on the number of live attendees , but on watching the recorded sessions via many tracks and webs. Then, we consider free feedback and outcome that may lasts and be a stimulation for the better by many in the real world ( for feedback  )     


Ø  We'll send soon guides for evaluation and obtaining certificates   on the program for colleagues who like to obtain certificate of different levels of “A game changer in global Oncology”. The Certificate will be after the end of each series. If you miss up to 50% of the live course for any problem of connection , wherever  you are in the world , then don’t worry ,  all the recorded webinars will be available for all.




Short information about the speakers: 


President: Prof. Robin Zon, ASCO President, 2024-2025





Prof. Robin Zon, MD, FASCO,  FACP, USA. President of ASCO term 2024-25 . Dr. Zon currently practices as Physician Emeritus at Michiana Hematology Oncology in Mishawaka, IN, where she previously served as President. She formerly served as Medical Director of Oncology Research at Memorial Hospital and National Cancer Institute Community Clinical Oncology Program Associate and then Principal Investigator.




Distinguished Scientific Experts -Panelists :     



Prof. Eduardo L. Cazap  MD, PhD, FASCO, Argentina , President & Founder -Latin-American & Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM) Co-Chair, Network of Latin American Cancer Institutes (RINC) .Past President - Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)







Professor David Kerr CBE MD PhD DSc FRCP FRCGP FACP FESMO FMedSci , UK : David contributes to Oxford as Professor of Cancer Medicine, where he has worked with colleagues to build a new Institute for Cancer Medicine and Cancer Hospital.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.   





 Professor Karol Sikora, MA, MB BChir, PhD, MD, FRCR, FRCP, FFPM,  UK , Consultant Oncologist, is the Medical Director of Cancer Partners International. He was the Founding Dean and now Professor of Medicine at Britain’s first independent Medical School at the University of Buckingham and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Cancer Medicine at Imperial College School of Medicine and is still honorary Consultant Oncologist at Hammersmith Hospital, London.  He was seconded to be Director of the WHO Cancer Programme in 2000. Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U. 




  Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD, Founding Chair, win-win Scientific initiative & Co-founder & Chair, Board of Directors, GO-U & Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program & Founding President, ICEDOC & Past President, AORTIC & Prof. Clinical Oncology, Suez Canal University &Chair. Clinical and Radiation Oncology Center , Port Said, Egypt.    







Prof. Hussein Khaled, 


Ex. Minister of High Education , Egypt, Prof. Medical Oncology, Ex. Dean NCI , Cairo and Vice Chancellor , Cairo University , Chair , SEMCO , Co-leader, The win-win Initiative









Prof. Wilfred Ngwa, PhD, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is a distinguished professor of global public health, and distinguished professor of public health. He is founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute in 2015 He currently chairs the Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee advising the USA government on Global Health.  He is a co-founder (with Prof Ahmed Elzawawy and distinguished faculty) of Global Oncology University.  Founder Director, GHC& Co-founder, GO-U.  Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, GO-U







Aparna R. Parikh, MD,  FASCO, USA.  Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School , Director of the MGH Cancer Center's Global Cancer Care Program, Director of Colorectal Medical Oncology, Medical Director Center for Young Adult Colorectal Cancer, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center ,Tucker Gosnell Center for Gastrointestinal Malignancies ,Termeer Center for Targeted Therapies . Dr. Parikh has a long-standing interest and background in global health and has experience in many LMICs. 





 Prof. Twalib A. Ngoma  , Prof. Clinical Oncology ,  Research Chair Holder Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences  MUHAS ,  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Founder, Global Oncology University GO-U    




Bishal Gyawali, MD, PhD is an associate professor in medical oncology and public health sciences and scientist  in Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. Dr. Gyawali’ s areas of academic interests include cancer policy, evidence-based oncology, financial toxicities of cancer treatment, clinical trial methods, supportive care, cancer care disparities, and global oncology. He introduced the term “cancer groundshot” advocating for investments in implementation of proven interventions for global cancer control. He is a member of the WHO Essential Medicines List Committee for cancer drugs; ESMO-MCBS, ESMO Communications, and ESMO Public Policy committees, and ASCO-Health Equity and Outcomes Committee. He is the co-founder of the “Common Sense Oncology” movement. 






Dr. Abba Mallum

Dr. Abba Mallum is an Associate Prof of Radiation Oncology. a consultant and medical specialist at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital in South Africa . He is  actively involved in global oncology collaborations and in GOIS, GO-U.




Upcoming webinars: 


3rd & 4th & 5th  ASCO-GOIS Webinars :


- “Examples of how via scientific approaches to lower the total cost of systemic cancer therapy without compromising the outcome on patients.  They are based on   virtual sessions  7- 8 &10-13 of  this program   Please see pages 16 -18 &19-28 of the following Link to PDF file : GOIS program, GO-U  2023-2024    


 Under preparation : Four  webinars: ” How to increase access and affordability to radiation oncology and prospects of molecular radiotherapy’.  ( they are based on sessions 15-21 , pages 28 -35 in the this file  )  . It will start by Mid November. We 'll send the Final date and time.   




Acknowledgement Mr, Doug Pyle, ASCO for  collaboration  with the win-win initiative  since more than 2 decades & Ms, Jessica  Williams and and Ms. Sarah Bachmann, Global Impact , ASCO.


-We thank all the leaders and faculty of GOIS, GO-U.  




Don’t miss to register to GOIS program, It is  free for all  in the world   


Click or browse  then register


 Hence , you’ll receive zoom link  and reminders days before the webinar and  more information.  


Contact: Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy  &