Approaching GOIS - Third Session

Approaching GOIS - Third Session

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Global Oncology University ( GO-U)

Approaching “Global Oncology-Implementing Science” GOIS courses   

 3nd session Wednesday  Nov. 8, 2023 , at 4.00-5.15 pm GMT


- Live introduction 5 minutes  

12 .  Personalized cancer Medicine from screening to treatment. 

Prof. David Kerr


13. What can Personalized Cancer Therapy mean for Africa and LMICs?  

Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy 


  14.   Some top challenges in cancer care in the 3rd decade of the 21st century, Part 1

Ahmed Elzawawy, Wil Ngwa, , David Kerr, Twalib Ngoma, Manar Montasser  , Eduardo Cazap


15. Top challenges in cancer care in the 3rd decade of the 21st century, Part 2

Ahmed Elzawawy, Wil Ngwa, , David Kerr, Twalib Ngoma, Manar Montasser , Eduardo Cazap


Q& A Plus sending questions, comments and suggestions via e-mails & web  


Faculty of the 3rd session:



 Professor David Kerr CBE MD PhD DSc FRCP FRCGP FACP FESMO FMedSci , UK : David contributes to Oxford as Professor of Cancer Medicine, where he has worked with colleagues to build a new Institute for Cancer Medicine and Cancer Hospital 


Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.


Eduardo L. Cazap  MD, PhD, FASCO, Argentina

President & Founder -Latin-American & Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM)

Co-Chair, Network of Latin American Cancer Institutes (RINC)

Past President - Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

Emeritus Professor-LatinAmerican School of Oncology (ELO),

Editor-in Chief – Ecancer

Coeditor-Global Section-The Oncologist   

Ambassador, UICC Summit &Congress

Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, Co-founder, GO-U.





Prof. Wilfred Ngwa, PhD,

Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, University of Massachusetts Lowell, and Johns Hopkins University, USA. He is a distinguished professor of global public health, and distinguished professor of public health. He is founding Director of the Global Health Catalyst launched at the Harvard Radcliffe Institute in 2015 He currently chairs the Africa Health and Infrastructure Committee advising the USA government on Global Health.  He is a co-founder (with Prof Ahmed Elzawawy and distinguished faculty) of Global Oncology University.  

Founder Director, GHC& Co-founder, GO-U.                                                                           

 Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Director, Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program, GO-U






Prof. Twalib A. Ngoma  , Prof. Clinical Oncology ,  Research Chair Holder Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences  MUHAS ,  Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Co-Leader, The win-win initiative and Co-Founder, Global Oncology University GO-U   


Dr. Manar Montasser, MD , Clinical Oncologist, Suez Canal Authority Hospital, Ismailia, Egypt 





Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy, MD, PhD

Founding Chair, win-win Scientific initiative & Co-founder & Chair, Board of Directors, GO-U & Global Oncology-Implementing Science Courses and program & Founding President, ICEDOC & Past President, AORTIC & Prof. Clinical Oncology, Suez Canal University &Chair. Clinical and Radiation Oncology Center , Port Said, Egypt.    



Further reading:

 “ Approaching Global Oncology. The win-win model”   The first book summary (in front Matter) and the first chapter are free online.


Full Course Link:

3rd Session live Link:

3rd Session Zoom Link: Here