
The Global Oncology-implementing Science (GOIS)

A main part of: The Global Oncology University GO-U - The win-win initiative

GOIS: Professional education and training programs of the Global Oncology University (GO-U) for different fields of world Cancer care and scientific approaches, research and implementing science that could lead to increase affordability of better value cancer care in the real world, considering the real interests of all stakeholders and win-win different and smart innovative models.

The needs:

Needless to repeat that despite of all conferences, reports , classic publications , commissions , agendas , programs , the gap between the required cancer care and the available was widen in the last decades , and there is no convincing evidence that the needs wouldn’t be increased in this third decade of the 21st Century. It is known that most of this shortage-or absence- is in LMICS. However , there are considerable rising difficulties in affordability of better value cancer care for patients in The USA and affluent countries
There is a deadly need to escalate the building of human capacities , hence, there is a great need to hugely increase opportunities for education, training, certificates and consequently degrees in the near future, focused on scientific, innovative and smart approaches that could to enormous increase access to better value cancer care in different parts in the real world.
Otherwise, the talks, lectures and publications about affordability, disparities and equity in cancer care in the world will be just repeated slogans.

Main Global oncology-implementing Science (GOIS) Programs for 2023-2025

I- 1st Approaching “ Global Oncology- Implementing Science” (GOIS)

We start on October 25, 2023 with the 1st course programs of the Approaching “Global Oncology-Implementing Science GOIS” for the period fall 2023 till 2025, repeated with update and improvement every months
Target audience: Cancer care professionals, researchers, all stakeholders and industries who are concerned with the issues of the great needs to increase affordability of better value cancer care in the world
Tuition fees: Free for all.

II- The big 1st program of courses “Global Clinical Oncology-implementing science. Clinical “GOIS”II.

(Under preparation. It needs 1.5-2 years to be launched)

The 1st Approaching “ Global Oncology-Implementing Science (GOIS) Course

  • • Each course will last for 6 months, for the years 2023-2025, starting from October 25th, 2023.
  • • It is focused on approaches particularly scientific and win-win models that could stimulate a global current to increase affordability of better value cancer care in the real world.
  • • The 1st course contains more than virtual 90 lectures, online panels with experts and brainstorming conversations that could be bases for articles and publications, plus , interactive discussions with the audience. For feedback: http://icedoc.net/feedback.html & feedback@icedoc.website
  • • Tuition fees: Free (complimentary) for all in the world. (Free login and registration www.icedoc.website
  • • The login to create an account, free registration for the video courses, educational materials and examples of links to useful educational webs and organizations are available at: www.icedoc.website/cms & www.icedoc.website
  • • Navigation and access to the webs www.icedoc.website & www.ghcuniversity.org will be accessible for all guests from the world.

Who will mostly get benefits of virtual attendance?

  • • Clinical Cancer care and research professionals, different medical, surgical and scientific disciplines relevant global cancer management and better value health care and all stockholders and all who are interested in crucial issues of affordability of cancer care in the world are welcomed; cancer patient care , education and research institutions, health care and health policy authorities, health industries , health economists.
  • • Graduates in clinical oncology and other branches of medicine, surgery , pharmacy , medical physics , cancer nursing are encouraged to follow the full course, including assessment and course certificate
  • • We stress in the win-win notions that professionals would have capabilities to search for specific scientific solutions and models for their patients and communities.
  • • To not to just speak about imaginary or wishes, we are keen to present tens of stimulating scientific published examples and successful models, in our webs, books and in the Module II and III of this new virtual, free course “ Approaching Global Oncology-Implementing Science” on how to stimulate by scientific approaches the increase of better value cancer care in different communities.

There is an increasing list of partners, contributors and collaborators in the GOIS.

List of partners:

  • • ecancer.org, UK
  • • Latin American and Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology (SLACOM)
  • • The Network of Latin American Cancer Institutes (RINC)
  • • The Buckingham University Medical School, UK
  • • Bio Ventures for Global Health, USA
  • • Department of Radiation Oncology, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • • South Asia Centre for Medical Physics and Cancer Research
  • • South and East College of Oncology (SEMCO)
  • • ICEDOC.org
  • • Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), Tanzania.
  • • Cures Within Reach, USA

  • With the contribution of faculty from renown organizations and institutions

  • • NCI, USA; John Hopkins University, USA;
  • • Harvard University & Dana Farber Cancer Center, USA;
  • • Cancer Medicine Dept, University of Oxford, UK;
  • • University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA;
  • • University of Pennsylvania, USA;
  • • International Cancer Experts Corps (ICEC);
  • • American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO);
  • • Department of Radiation Oncology, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
  • • University Hospital Göteborg, Sweden;
  • • Washington University, USA; Georgetown University, USA; Loyola University, USA;
  • • University of South Florida, Tampa, USA;
  • • National Cancer Institute Egypt;
  • • Clinical Oncology Center, Suez Canal University, Egypt;
  • • Alsoliman Clinical & Radiation Oncology Center, Port Said, Egypt;
  • • Medical Oncology, University of Nairobi, Kenya;
  • • Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Koethen, Germany;
  • • University of Tetova, North Macedonia;
  • • Peace and Love Hospitals, Ghana;
  • • College of Medicine & University College Hospital, University of Ibadan, Nigeria;
  • • Radiation Oncology Center-Strahlentherapie, Singen/Friedrichshafen, Germany;
  • • Clinical Oncology department, Alexandria University, Egypt;
  • • Radiation Knowledge;
  • • Arab Medical Association Against Cancer (AMAAC);
  • • Plus, the list of nearly 100 contributors and affiliations in the book that compose more than 50% of the course (List of contributors:Here & Here )

Course director and facilitator: Prof. Ahmed Elzawawy

Co–directors and leaders-moderators of panels of the course (in alphabetical order):

https://www.ghcuniversity.org/leadership & https://www.ghcuniversity.org/faculty

Prof. Riccardo Audisio, Prof. Eduardo Cazap, Prof. Luca Incrocci, Prof. David Kerr, Prof. Twalib Ngoma, Prof. Wilfred Ngwa and Prof. Karol Sikora.

List of distinguished of nearly 100 contributors-co-authors: Here

Special contribution: H.E. The Late Dr. Vazqez, Past-President of the Republic of Uruguay

Keynote: HRH Princess Dina Mired, Immediate Past President of UICC, Honorary Ambassador of GHC Win-Win Movement. & Foreword by: Sir Muir Gray, UK

https://www.ghcuniversity.org/leadership & https://www.ghcuniversity.org/faculty

Technical coordinators: Lensa Keno & Mahmoud Elmasry

Recent News

1st GOIS course will start on October 25, 2023
  • Oct 06, 2023
Registration is now open
  • Oct 06, 2023
Gois Websites
  • Oct 14, 2023